2022 Vieilles Vignes Rouge, Domaine de la Jasse, Languedoc (magnum)
Lower in yield but high in quality. Generous autumn rains, a mild December and warm February got the vines off to an early start. Similar conditions continued through April and May, which made for a successful flowering. Rains came again, and this time torrentially. Though June began with cool, stormy weather, soon summer was its hot and dry old self, yet one spared of heatwave temperatures.
This is where balanced ripening began, and then continued through to an early harvest. A harvest which, though smaller in size, yielded juicy, fully flavoured fruit with preserved freshness. Vibrant, deeply flavoured cabernet sauvignon for wines that are elegant, fresh and aromatic. In other words, wines that mark an excellent vintage. Irresistible now, here's a cabernet blend that will quite happily spend the next ten years developing further layers of enchanting nuance and flavour.
Useful links: View our full Domaine de la Jasse range here |