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Meet the Mr.Wheeler Team
Phone: 01206 713560 | Email: sales@mrwheelerwine.com

2017 marked my 30th year in the British Wine Industry. It's been fascinating with wine becoming such an important part of our everyday lives. World Class Pinot Noir is my favourite wine style, with Red Burgundy and New Zealand featuring prominently, but I am also fascinated by mature fine Bordeaux which undoubtedly deserves its Global acclaim.
Email: johnny@mrwheelerwine.com

I’m a big fan of sport – cricket and football in particular – as well as music, cooking, socialising and wine slots perfectly into any free time I do have. Like most of us, I enjoy so many aspects of this fabulous product, but I think the red wines of the Rhône Valley top the bill for me.
Email: mark@mrwheelerwine.com

Born in Lyon, France, I naturally developed a borderline unhealthy obsession for all things gastronomic – luckily my other passion is Sport (tennis, cycling, martial arts) so I just about manage to keep the rate of expansion of my midriff under a semblance of control… so far. If pushed, I do have to place the great Syrahs of the Northern Rhône at the top of my list when it comes to Fine Wine.
Email: ludovic@mrwheelerwine.com

Top of the class for me is fine Red Burgundy, my first encounter was with a Fixin Clos des Hervelets 1969 - outstanding! In my spare time, of which I have a little more these days, I spend it working in Paradise Wood near my home. I enjoy shooting and take with me my two faithful Labradors, Mist & Lucia, so named after Chateau Lucia 1989, the year of her birth.
Email: swrightson@mrwheelerwine.com

I’d have to choose red burgundy as my desert island wine - when it’s good – it’s absolute perfection. When not in the office, I am generally operating a taxi service for one or both of my children or involved in some sort of DIY! If I ever get the chance, I like to get the art equipment out, and do a spot of painting.
Email: ben@mrwheelerwine.com

I left France and joined in 1998 for a 6 month experience and almost 20 years later I'm still here! I was born and grew up in Champagne and my parents, Colette & Michel Guilleminot still run our family champagne house with my brother Patrice, sister Corinne. I also love spending time with my three lovely boys and enjoy tennis, music, and nature.
Email: carine@mrwheelerwine.com

I love trying new wines wherever in the world they come from but if pushed for my favourite region it would have to be Burgundy. Outside of work most of my life is spent with my family but when I get a few spare minutes I try and run or play golf as much as possible.
Email: robin@mrwheelerwine.com

I am a native of Madrid by way of Buenos Aires. I fell in love with wine in the central coast of California which led me to study wine in Bordeaux. I've been working with Mr.Wheeler for over two years learning about the industry I love! Red Burgundy is in my personal wine list and I love spending time travelling with friends.
Email: micaela@mrwheelerwine.com

I have a soft spot mature Australian Shiraz, wines from California’s Napa Valley and I always have space for good quality Ribera del Duero, Bordeaux and White Burgundy in my wine rack. Away from work I love tinkering in my workshop, designing and manufacturing products for classic cars and am a self confessed classic car geek.
Email: james@mrwheelerwine.com

Email: rachel@mrwheelerwine.com

My areas of enthusiasm as far as wine are concerned are Sherry, Port, Champagne and Alsace. I can be found around Colchester walking my greyhound, and playing cricket and rackets very badly. If you feel that your wine list is staid and static- contact me for a free wine list “health check”.
Email: simon@mrwheelerwine.com

A lifelong passion for wine eventually brought me into the wine business and I now run our shop Mr.Wheeler's Wine Cellar in Dedham. My personal cellar is stacked with red Bordeaux, some Australian Shiraz and a smattering of red Burgundy, although lately I have been flirting with Spanish, Italian and South African reds.
Email: luke@mrwheelerwine.com

Coming from a seed and plant background, I had very little knowledge of the industry, but I have developed my knowledge, and more importantly, my palate, considerably in my time here. I never knew there were such a vast range of wine grapes available! I do enjoy settling down on a Friday night with a good glass of white wine.
Email: andrew@mrwheelerwine.com

Email: david@mrwheelerwine.com

Email: jayers@thewinecompany.co.uk