GDPR Policy Review

If you have had dealings with organisations in the EU, you will almost certainly have heard of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) which came into force on 25th May.

When handling data even with existing members and customers, we need to have a basis of why we want to utilise this data. Upon review of the data we hold, we consider that our use of your data falls under the basis of ‘Legitimate Interest’. A further explanation of how we respect your data and privacy can be found by reading our Privacy Policy by clicking HERE. Please take a look to understand how we handle your data. No action is required on your part for us to continue to provide our services and information to you. We will always respect any preferences that you have expressed to us and you can update these preferences at any time by contacting us.

If you have any questions please contact our Office Manager, Gill Saunders directly by emailing [email protected] or by calling 01206 233771. The important points to emphasise are that we do not share your data with anybody else for their own use, that your information is held securely and that you can always restrict the processing of your data in any way that you may reasonably wish to do. Thank you for your understanding of this important matter and we look forward to continue to providing the best wines and services that are relevant to you in addition to regular news from the ‘Mr Wheeler Wine Community’ and indeed the many exciting developments at our company.